Everything I like and everything I don’t like about Cristiano Ronaldo’s style of play can be seen in this riveting video, which tracks him up close throughout the Man Utd-Portsmouth game this week. He’s a little bit talented, in case you had any doubt. Oh, and his 2-0 free-kick, which Alex Ferguson called “without a doubt the best free-kick I’ve seen in the Premier League”? It’s two days old, and it’s your historical goal of the week.
NOTE: The original riveting video was shut down by someone who lights his cigars with the flaming tails of housecats, so I’ve replaced it with another, nearly-as-riveting video of the same game. It will hold its place until it, too, is taken down by a man in an oyster-colored suit who spends his weekends breast-feeding a million-dollar bill.
Read More: Cristiano Ronaldo, Historical Goals, Manchester United, Portsmouth
by Brian Phillips · February 1, 2008
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