All News, None of the Time
If you haven’t been following the new Twitter feed, you probably have no idea that we’ve been on vacation and just chain-gunning rich quotients of abbreviated insight via every thumb-tappable keyboard around. Don’t miss another week of out-of-context movie quotes and incomprehensible replies to other people. Follow us on Twitter today.
- Since I’ve been on vacation, I haven’t had a chance to review The Beckham Experiment. Fortunately, I’ve got time, since it’s not as if the book has already been exhaustively covered by every other media source on the planet, including the closing credits to Battlestar Galactica if you know how to unscramble the letters. Oh, except it has. Zach and Tom have the best reviews I’ve seen, not counting Edward James Olmos.
- I’ve been airborne and jetlagged over the last 36 hours, and the Steven Gerrard DJ assault video (largely frightening for its early moments, when it shows Gerrard doing a dance that is extremely appropriate to his ultramarine v-neck), the David Beckham fan tussle, and the Sven-to-Notts County bombshell have all run together in my mind. I’m seeing Gerrard rabbit-punching a sheikh in a League Two stadium while Sven and David Beckham furiously shake hands. It’s better this way, I think.
- Maybe now is a decent time to recycle the two-part Tuesday Portrait of Beckham that I did about a year ago. It’s one of the least-read portraits for some reason, but I still sort of like it.
- The best thing about the Newcastle-Huddersfield brawl is the fact that Chris Hughton seemed pleasantly surprised that his team even cared enough to take part in it. I mean, I’m all for optimism, but when your main reason to be fired up is that your players haven’t been left so completely detached and listless from playing for your club that they refuse to fight back when a giant melee breaks out all around them, I don’t know. Maybe it’s time to put in for that transfer to Notts County.
- I assume you guys are all reading Footsmoke, but if you’re not, you should be.
- Normal blog service, if there is such a thing in July, resumes next week.
Read More: David Beckham, Links, Sven-Göran Eriksson
All News, None of the Time
by Brian Phillips · July 22, 2009
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