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the wonder and terror of soccer.

We left the window open during a match in October 2007 and a strange wind blew into the room.

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Frank Lampard Is Moving to Italy, Says France

The Telegraph is reporting that France Football is reporting that Frank Lampard has signed a four-year contract with Inter Milan. And they are. I have seen them reporting this. As proof, I can tell you that Lampard is apparently set to draw un salaire annuel de 7,3 ME, and also that the ancien coach des Blues, José Mourinho, has his eye on another of his protégés londoniens. But where Drogba is in all this remains a mystery.

This should be interesting. I like Lampard, and it’d be fun to have a high-profile English player in another European league. I just hope that clown Ibrahimović doesn’t get in the way of any of his 45-yard shots.


Frank Lampard Is Moving to Italy, Says France

by Brian Phillips · June 27, 2008

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