When in the course of human events, etc. It’s been a long time coming—boats against the current and so on—and I am extremely excited to welcome you to the new Run of Play. I hope you’ll enjoy exploring it and that you’ll like what you find. Above all, I hope it will offer a pleasant reading experience, and a different sort of reading experience from the one you usually encounter on the web. The goal has been to cut down on some of the typical distractions of online reading while also making it possible to host a more engrossing slate of images, videos, and music. That might be a contradictory wish, and I’m not sure its success or failure will be apparent right away. But anyway here we are, and as we debut the B.A.F.C. project in the coming weeks, I hope what we’ve come up with will also help us find the right balance for presenting fiction on the internet.
We’ve tried to set this up so that you won’t encounter many technical glitches during the relaunch, but that said, the first press of the “post comment” button is bound to cause a massive power outage across the northern U.S. and Canada, so if you run into any problems and can make it to an emergency station with a generator, please let me know via the contact form above. Also please note that older posts will look moderately wrecked until we can finish converting the archive. That will take some time, so try not to mind. Old maps looked pretty bad, too, until the cartographers could straighten them out. Which didn’t—hah—prove there was no America.
Read More: The Belly of the Whale
by Brian Phillips · April 3, 2010
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