The Run of Play is a blog about
the wonder and terror of soccer.

We left the window open during a match in October 2007 and a strange wind blew into the room.

Now we walk the forgotten byways of football with a lonely tread, searching for the beautiful, the bewildering, the haunting, and the absurd.

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David Beckham Still Has It (Money)

Via the Telegraph: His endorsement income may be shrinking, but David Beckham is still by far the wealthiest player in football, with a net worth estimated at £125 million by FourFourTwo‘s annual Rich List, which relies on a methodology that I have not researched but choose to trust blindly because I don’t really care all that much. Beckham ranks 38th overall (the list also includes owners and executives), but has more than three times the alleged assets of the next players on the list: Michael Owen, with £40 million, and Wayne Rooney, whose £35 million is bound to grow by leaps once the royalties for his next several novels pour in.

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David Beckham Still Has It (Money)

by Brian Phillips · January 7, 2009

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