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the wonder and terror of soccer.

We left the window open during a match in October 2007 and a strange wind blew into the room.

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It’s an Amazing Feeling. Really.

Harry Redknapp has done another brilliant interview, this one conducted jointly with Jamie as part of some families-in-football event sponsored by e.on. At this point, you don’t need me to tell you that Harry is to anecdotes their natural lord and father, but in case you need persuading, here he is talking about the boyhood paper route Jamie had while Harry was the manager of Bournemouth:

He was useless. I got up one day and he was late, so I ended up doing it. I’m the manager of Bournemouth and I’m pushing papers through doors. This old fellow opened the door. ‘What time’s this?’ he went, ‘cos I was late. ‘It’s Harry, innit?’ It was a Bournemouth season-ticket holder, right, and I’m delivering his paper. He said, ‘What are you doing?’ I said, ‘They don’t pay me a lot, I’m supplementing my wages.’

And here he is describing the peculiar experience of coaching his nephew, Frank Lampard, at West Ham, against Liverpool, where Jamie was playing:

Jamie played Frank at Liverpool one day when Frank was at West Ham, which was my team then. And Jamie kicked Frank, caught him in a tackle, and Frank had to come off. And Les Sealey – who was my goalkeeping coach – he said to young Frank, ‘Go back and do him. Go back and do him, good and proper.’ And he’s sitting next to me and I’m thinking, hang on, this ain’t right, Les, it’s my son. It was an amazing feeling, really. I suppose that’s football.

Elsewhere, Harry claims that he called Jamie for tactical advice during the FA Cup final last year. I’m going to leave that statement without comment. But you really should read the whole interview.

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It’s an Amazing Feeling. Really.

by Brian Phillips · December 6, 2008

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