UEFA v. The G-14: The Short History of a Pointless Disagreement
A Beginner’s Guide to the Great European Football Standoff of Twenty Aught-Seven, the year football could either be all about the money, or be all about the money, but in a slightly different way.
RSS Feeds Crackle as David Beckham Returns to the England Squad
And England went on to defeat Croatia, and the story ended happily for everyone.
A Profile of Tim Modise
The communications director of the South Africa World Cup declares, “It’s not as bad as it seems.”
Football Violence, in Italy and Everywhere
Rioting breaks out in Rome after the death of Gabriele Sandri. What is it about football violence that we find so irresistibly fascinating?
Myfootballclub Buys Ebbsfleet United
Thousands of everyday fans harnessed the power of the internet to change the way we think about football ownership forever. What ever happened with that?
Read More: Inelegant Repurposing
by Brian Phillips · November 14, 2008
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