The Run of Play is a blog about
the wonder and terror of soccer.

We left the window open during a match in October 2007 and a strange wind blew into the room.

Now we walk the forgotten byways of football with a lonely tread, searching for the beautiful, the bewildering, the haunting, and the absurd.

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Welcome to the Age of Tomorrow


Hyperlinks, or “links,” provide Internet users with a simple way to navigate from one Web site to another. Say hello to the latest groundbreaking feature from The Run of Play.

  • We won some awards. (Soccerlens)
  • A new scarf raises questions about the meaning of being a fan. (Dave’s Football Blog)
  • Stop complaining about Nani’s “disrespect.” Just…just stop it. (The Game)
  • Chelsea and the theft of youth. (The Offside)
  • Jack Warner’s unbelievable new plan for Dominica. (Pitch Invasion)
  • Who could love a team of tax collectors? (Reuters Soccer Blog)
  • No one has ever been more wrong about anything than this Spanish journalist is about Leo Messi. (Telegraph)

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Welcome to the Age of Tomorrow

by Brian Phillips · February 22, 2008

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