The Run of Play is a blog about
the wonder and terror of soccer.

We left the window open during a match in October 2007 and a strange wind blew into the room.

Now we walk the forgotten byways of football with a lonely tread, searching for the beautiful, the bewildering, the haunting, and the absurd.

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The Guardian’s Football Headline Writer: Is He a Giant Insect?

Today’s award for most alarming newspaper headline goes to the Guardian, which sends its boilerplate McClaren-before-the-match filler into the realm of existential paradox by giving it the title “WE MUST FEAR THE UNTHINKABLE, WARNS MCCLAREN.” No Sartre himself, McClaren doesn’t actually issue this warning in the piece, nor does the piece explain how we could possibly fear something we aren’t even able to think. Clearly something dark is going on with the Guardian‘s football headline writer, something interesting, something that might be worth watching, and I’ll be on the lookout for further clues all week.


The Guardian’s Football Headline Writer: Is He a Giant Insect?

by Brian Phillips · November 19, 2007

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